
Cathy Gatto-Brennan

Mind-body researcher, Energy Healer, RN & author fascinated by how thoughts, beliefs, and subtle energy influence our lives. Helping midlife women create vibrant second acts.

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Trusting Your Gut: Lessons from Simone Biles🥇

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 26 Hi Reader, I was watching the documentary Simone Biles Rising this week {I am not into sports, but I LOVE the Olympics}. I have such admiration for her ability to trust her own wisdom and having the courage to do what was right for her. She talks about how difficult that was and how crushed she was to have to walk away from the competition. The ability to lean in and discern your own truth is not always easy. I highly value it, and in my practice, I work...

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 25 Hi Reader, A few years ago, I was having dinner with a friend. We were talking about our healing practices. Allison is a flower essence practitioner and animal communicator. I lowered my voice just above a whisper to ask her, “Can you see auras?” She leaned in, lowering her voice as well “No.” Relief flooded my body. I wasn't the only one. We started laughing. It’s an inside joke now when we have a particularly powerful session or some self-doubt creeps...

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 24 Hi Reader, We’re having our first heat wave of the summer this week, luckily the fog here on the coast helps keep the temperature down a bit. I did have a delightful moment last night sitting with a glass of wine, on the swing my daughter built me and a Ruth Reichl book (Save Me The Plums:My Gourmet Memoir). A lovely close to the first half of the year. Hard to believe we’re halfway through the year. This time of year brings out some introspection for...

The Energy of You You are receiving this because you signed up. If you want to break up click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email Volume XIX Issue# 23 Hi Reader, It’s been a social few weeks for me with a couple more coming up. As an introvert, I need to balance my social activities with my alone time. Part of my downtime this week was spent with Marcellus, the octopus in Remarkably Brilliant Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. It was a well-written book with a beautiful story of...

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 22 Hi Reader , We are having some warm weather this week a break from the "June Gloom" that northern California has this time of year. I got a sunburn while writing at the cafe on Tuesday - a reminder to put sunscreen on all exposed skin not just my face. I took a few days last year for a solo getaway to do some planning and writing. I stayed at an Airbnb in Carmel, the space was charming, mementos from the owners travels adorned the walls. Skylights let...

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 21 Hi Reader , The end of May ushers in the unofficial beginning of summer, much as I like the longer days and warmer weather did five months speed by? It's been a challenging couple of weeks with some unpleasant family dynamics. I have been very grateful for my sister Pam, my chosen family, and my children's love and support. It has also made me realize how many tools I have in my back pocket. Chakra work is a core practice for me. The spotlight is...

Hi Reader, I've been stirring the pot in my business. Looking at what I want more of, less of, and what comes next. It's fun, scary, and exciting. I love to create and I have a few new projects on the horizon that will blend creativity, energy medicine, and self-discovery... so much fun. I hope you have something that's sparking your interest too. I wanted to talk about purpose this week. I hesitate to use this word as it has become almost cliche. Many times, it’s used in reference to work,...

Hi Reader, Monday morning I was hobbling down my stairs like a hundred and forty-year-old awakening after a month-long slumber. I knew it was a bad idea to try to push through it. I’m always telling clients to “Be gentle with yourself” and “Listen to your body,” and I often forget my own advice. Spring is in full swing here. I was clearing out some space for a raised bed this weekend and overdid it. I slowed down and listened. Slowing down in a world where hustle is the name of the game is a...

Hi Reader, I woke up at 4:42 a.m. one day last week. Much as I tried to will myself back to sleep, my body was having none of it. My mind is a busy place, and that day was no different. I began thinking about some changes I'm making in my business, the book I'm working on, and a new project; lo and behold, some self-doubt crept in. (Funny how those wee hours when thoughts ping-pong around your brain sprout self-doubt!) I decided to do some chakra clearing and paid particular attention to the...

Hi Reader, It’s a beautiful Spring weekend I started creating a new area for some raised bed gardens in my compact backyard. It’s feeling good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. Last week we talked about the red flags to watch for in the wellness industry. This week we’re looking at what you can do about them. About fifteen years ago, I took a spoon-bending class with a friend. She was exploring parapsychology and the world of energy healing and asked if I would join her. The class was...