Laying the Foundation: Root Chakra Energy

The Energy of You

Volume XIX Issue# 21

Hi Reader ,

The end of May ushers in the unofficial beginning of summer, much as I like the longer days and warmer weather did five months speed by?

It's been a challenging couple of weeks with some unpleasant family dynamics. I have been very grateful for my sister Pam, my chosen family, and my children's love and support.

It has also made me realize how many tools I have in my back pocket. Chakra work is a core practice for me. The spotlight is on the root chakra this month.

The Root of It All

First Chakra: Root Chakra

Traditional Name: Mudlahara

Flower: 4 petal lotus

Color: Red

Mantra: Lam

Element: Earth

Crystal: Tigers Eye or Smokey Quartz

Essential Oil: Ylang Ylang or Sandlewood


The first chakra is the root chakra or Mudlahara. It's located at the base of the spine, specifically the perineum, the area between the genitals and the anus. The number four is associated with the root chakra because it has to do with manifestation, and the energy of the material world.

This chakra is your base, the beginning of your journey, the root of creation in this physical reality; it's the foundation upon which you build. It is all about your survival and tribal needs. This is the energy for your emotional and mental well-being and formation of your identity. The essence of this chakra is the ability to provide for life’s necessities and a sense of belonging.

Feelings and Emotions:

The root chakra is focused on your survival needs. The basics like food, shelter, and clothing, as well as your need for community, relationships, and legacy. This is where group consciousness resides and the ability to be part of the group yet maintain your individual perspective.

It is with this energy that you balance your service to others, both giving and receiving, in a healthy, appropriate way. This chakra is where abundance mentality is anchored, allowing you to have a sense of prosperity in all areas of life.

It is here we work the fine line of accepting old family and community beliefs and adopting new ones that better suit our current situations. Your journey to self-awareness begins here starting by looking outward and ending with seeking internally.

With a well-balanced root chakra there is a grounded, stable feeling, and a solid sense of security. There is a sense of abundance, of being and having enough.

Blocks in the Root Chakra can result in:

Persistent thoughts of:

· Scarcity

· Isolation

· Struggle

· Distrust

· Emptiness

Patterns of behavior:

· Focusing on the ‘half empty’ glass

· Avoiding change or new experiences

· Tribal mentality

· Inability to be yourself

· Blaming others/playing the “victim”

In many cases an under active root chakra can show up as a fearful, nervous state, victim mentality, and a feeling of not belonging or fitting in.

While an overactive root chakra will show up as resistance to change, overly materialistic, collective hatred, greedy, and controlling (in an attempt to feel secure).


The root chakra balances the pelvis, legs, feet, skeletal system, lymphatic system, and sexual organs. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the root chakra are:

· Chronic low back pain

· Immune disorders

· Depression

· Addictions

· Sciatica

· Anemia

· Fatigue

· Varicose Veins

Activities to Activate the Root Chakra:

· Physical activity

· Yoga

· Listening to primal music (drumming, slow, steady rhythms)

· Reading ‘rags to riches’ success stories

Realigning and Cleansing:

If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas, focusing on the root chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) in getting the energy moving and flowing optimally.

When you breathe into the root chakra, visualize red light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counterclockwise, then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

· My worries, fears, and anxiety regarding security, safety, and financial freedom are dissolving. I am releasing them now.

· My needs are met continually and abundantly. I am free, I am safe, I am secure.

· There is an abundance of time, money, and energy for me as well as everyone else.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

· Am I struggling in any area(s) of my life? What does that look like?

· Do I feel tense, moody, or ungrounded? Is there a specific area in my life that triggers it, or is it general?

· Am I able to meet personal goals and stay focused? What areas are most difficult?

If you answered yes to any of the questions, you may have a block in the root chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your root chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations to a more personal tone using the language you used when answering the questions.

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See you next week!

Be Well,


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Cathy Gatto-Brennan

Mind-body researcher, Energy Healer, RN & author fascinated by how thoughts, beliefs, and subtle energy influence our lives. Helping midlife women create vibrant second acts.

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